
       Making photography is not at all only fun, Its Hobby for many to make more with just a camera. We cant simply satisfy our-self with a impressive photo. We need to go beyond something everyday to bring some cheers between us. Hope you all get impressed with my photographs and dig into photography in the near future..!

Photographer:    Binil Selva J
Device:              Microsoft Lumia 640XL
Date:                  09-10-2017
Location:            Vilukuri, Kanyakumari.

It's good to be sole without fake friends..!

When no one laugh at you, you are not in a right path. The world laugh at you when you struggle to achieve first step. And they set you as example when you achieve the most..!

You don't need to work harder than others, just perform smart with your own style..!

Enemies says it's luck, but our lovable's say he deserve it..! We usually won't care about our enemies but we always care about lovable's..! So don't loose hope.!

They won't make u celebrity even you deserve it..! They always choose the one who delivers what they need..!

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